Friday, April 30
Up There
I saw this amazing little film posted over on the Analogue Books blog earlier today and I thought I'd post it up here to share it around some more.
Up There by Malcolm Murray documents the dying art of hand-painted advertising in New York. Half balls-out burly labour, half skilled craft - these guys do some job.
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Thursday, April 29

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Wednesday, April 28
New Camcorder
I've recently gotten hold of a new HD camcorder thanks to my friend Emma. I've been kicking around some ideas for a long time that would require one and, after much deliberation, I finally took the plunge.
Before I get to producing anything y'know, good with it, I've got to get the hang of actually using the damn thing, hence the above video. Rather than being all precious and secretive, I've decided to just keep filming and uploading any old stuff as practice. What did I film first? Well, just whatever bits & bobs were lying around the room. The shots that don't wobble look hella like photos, which is pretty awesome. The footage is maybe a little dark / dull though. I expect I'll be able to get way nicer stuff when I work out what the hell I'm doing.
I chucked in some music from The Clangers and, in combination with the constant zooming, it's made the video look like a cheesy screensaver. Hmm. Baby steps.
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Monday, April 26
What I Wore Today 8

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Friday, April 23
Girl Skateboards
Hello! Sorry to hit you with a blank page, but this blog post has moved to my new website. You can view it over here: Girl Skateboards: Modern Chair Series.
It features a lovely graphic recreation of the first pro skateboard I ever owned.
Thursday, April 22
Old Camera

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Wednesday, April 21
Monday, April 19
What I Wore Today 7

Ever since being taught at school that tracing was a very bad way of learning how to draw, I've left well alone. I always viewed it as a bit of a cop-out. Not quite cheating, just kinda being a bit lazy. Recently, however, I've been really loving a lot of work that uses tracing. It has this great mixture of reality and wonkiness that can be really odd and interesting.
So, I had a little go. It's not quite what I was after, but I kinda like it. As with anything (like magic or dynamite), it can be used for good or evil and it's something I intend to explore more thoroughly. I guess tracing it a bit more of a slippery slope than some other techniques in that, should you rely on it too much, you're gonna screw up your brain. It is the cocaine of the drawing world.
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Thursday, April 15
Umbrella Head

This work is by Sam Caldwell, a young artist from Bolton who goes by the name of Umbrella Head. I actually discovered Sam's (Head's?) art through the comments section of my blog and after I had a dig about his site, I was totally hyped on his work. Look at it!

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Wednesday, April 14
Spring Cleaning

The old layout was getting pretty busy and, well, ugly. There were columns and links everywhere that, over time, had become more distracting than useful. It looked like a freakin' newspaper! So, with the recent launch of my website (still in it's early days), I decided this old blog could stand to lose a few things.
So, here we go. Very white, very simple. Very boring perhaps? Ah, who knows. I still need to play around with it some more. Maybe a little colour or a banner. What's important is that the focus is much more squarely on the pictures and the writing and not on all the information about following me on Twitter.
Incidentally, follow me on Twitter.
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Monday, April 12
Self-Portrait With Double-Chin

Having missed out on 99% of the sunshine over the weekend because of work, I've decided that today, I'm going outside. I'm going to play on my skateboard like a child. I might even buy a nice ice-cream (a nice-cream). To alleviate some of my guilt about taking an afternoon off to fanny about, I set myself a couple of simple tasks. The first was rather dull and email based (completed in record time!), the second was to draw a little picture for my blog.
So, there we go. A self-portrait with a double-chin.
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Saturday, April 10
Virgin Mary

People are awesome. Amen.
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Friday, April 9
A Narrative of Montage

The gallery is looking really good. It's a bit of a departure for the Changing Room, much more crazy and colourful than some previous shows. I knew very little about The Fruitbasket Collective before helping out, they've got a pretty neat surrealist / outsider art thing going on. I managed to find a snap of one of the pieces from A Narritive of Montage, check it:

The best thing is, Lapeyre also has a whole performance-art thing going on as his alter ego 'Jack The Hard Worker'. You can't beat a guy who'll paint himself blue and do some ironing in front of a crowd:

If you can make it to Stirling tonight, drop by, have a little drink and check out the show. Say hello. If not, it'll be up over the next month or so. As far as I know, JP plans to perform nearer the start of the night than the end, so move your bum. Here are the full details:
A Narrative of Montage
The Fruitbasket Collective and Mike Chavez-Dawson
Show runs: 10th April - 22nd May
Private view: Friday 9th April, 7-9pm. All welcome
The Changing Room
01786 274005
ps. if any of that sounded a bit sarcastic, I don't mean to be. I'm all for people going full-on. The wildest I get is perhaps doing a drawing with a little hat on.
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Thursday, April 8

The above image is for Illustration Friday, the topic being 'dip'. It's a pretty literal interpretation but I'm pretty happy with it. I'd doodled the idea at the start of the week and began to worry I wouldn't have time to draw it properly. I found a little hour this morning to put it together.
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Monday, April 5
7 Cornflakes

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Thursday, April 1
A New Website

I made the decision while re-jigging the artwork page on this blog. There's just too much stuff going on here. For someone new to my work, it's probably a little off-putting if the first thing they see is muggins photoshopping himself fat or posting extracts from a dumb book. Things needed changing - a little website for artwork and a blog for day-to-day stuff. This doesn't mean there'll be much difference here, content-wise, I'll still post all my new drawings and things, but maybe having the site will let me de-clutter good old bloggins a bit.
So, please visit - stick it in your bookmarks and check it out from time to time. It was built using the fantastic indexhibit. Any new stuff, announcements and updates will be posted here so if you'd like to keep track in your feed-reader of choice, subscribe away. I love you.
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