I caught
Watchmen last night. Having not read the comic, I didn't have too much invested in it. I decided to avoid reading any reviews or backstory beforehand anyway. Sometimes it's nice to see something with a completely open mind.
What did I think? Well, I wanted to like it but I wasn't too impressed. I'm sure the internet doesn't need another big rant about the silly thing, so I'll limit my 'review' to some odds and ends. I just wanted an excuse to draw that ink blot.
1. It's really, really, really long.
2. It's pretty boring.
3. It's a mess.
4. Dr Manhattan looks / is rubbish.
5. Actually, most of the cgi looks rubbish.
6. The make-up too.
7. I loved Rorschach though, he's really well cast.
8. The opening titles were ace.
9. Blue willy.
I won't even touch on the plot, as after reading some stuff I understand the whole thing has been fairly poorly translated to the screen. However for someone with no prior knowledge of the source, boy does it feel thin. I will give it this though; it's interested me enough to read the book.