I'll be travelling out at the end of April with my old friend Fergi and staying through for a couple of weeks. The opening bash is on Thursday the 8th of May, so come along then, say hello and have some beer. We'll be all hyped because we're on holiday. Here's the back of the flyer:

Jaggy Nettles
An exhibition by David Galletly
9th May - 8th June 2008
Amble Gallery & Books,
1001 N. 2nd Street, Suite 27
Philadelphia PA, 19123
Opening reception / party
Thurs 8th May: 6pm - 9pm
(all welcome)
Righty ho, I'd better get back to work instead of sitting watching skateboarding on YouTube. There'll be more stuff posted about the show before I go, but it'd be tip top if you can make it along. For any further info contact info@amblegallery.com or send me an email/comment.