I totally forgot I had a lot of my stuff from last months Wanderlust exhibition scanned and ready to upload. I'll try to get as much of it posted as I can soon. The above drawing is called 'Tree' and is made up of 3 separately framed sections. It's good old pen, ink and watercolour and nearly ruined my eyes. Detail:
It's sometimes a tough decision whether to go through with the colouring or not once the inking is done. I'd spent a few days on-and-off finishing the black and white version, it looked good enough to leave alone but I got some balls and did some colouring in. More detail:
I kept it pretty simple and I'm happy with the way it turned out. I had to crop it a little more than I would've liked thanks to our mad framing rush, but hey-ho.
POP FACT: The middle section can be removed and a short fat tree can be made with the top and bottom bits. I possibly like this one more than the tall version.
I remember seeing this guy, Og de Souza, a few years back and being blown down. Essentially skating with no legs (they didn't develop correctly and he has no use of them) he sits on his skateboard and pushes / does tricks with his arms. The thing I find most jammin' isn't just the fact he can bust 360 flips and smith grinds but he does everything real fast and with a dang smooth style. You're not allowed to mention him without using the word 'inspirational' because he, well, is.
I've been doing stuff on the computer for the first time in ages, designing four spoof b-movie banners for the Alter:Ego indie night at Stirling University. I'm feeling a bit rusty.
The above image is just a rough to see if I could get the look I was after. I think it's alright. I love thinking up the little exclamations they used to put on crumby posters like that. I like "A horrible secret. A terrible lie" so much that I might use it for the title of a drawing or something.
I was feeling pretty Nathan Barley, all browsing about the Vice site and stumbled on this little interview with Jason Dill. I'm a big fan of Dill, I like the way he skates and the things he does. In the video he's mainly talking about skating in NYC, which is pretty rockin' since I was just there a week or two ago. It's all very hip but a good wee watch nonetheless. He's still doing that whole shorts/stockings thing as well.
Christ knows if this will work, I think your Flash has to be bang up to date, but what the hell.
Another page from my little sketchbook coloured in Photoshop. I'll try to get in the habit of posting these things more often. This was from a drawing stew thread with the topic 'The Boxer'.
I've been watching a bunch of stuff on YouTube recently, mainly because I should be working. I'll try to start a wee weekly thing saying what I've been watching - as if the web needs another thing like that.
I'll set the bar high though with Twin Peaks. The now-famous series from the early 90s by David Lynch, based around the murder of a young high school student. It's bloomin' brilliant. The first time I saw it I got hooked and watched the whole lot in a day. I guess it's good that someone uploaded all the episodes because it's one of those things that everyone seems to have heard about but have never really seen. Be careful clicking the video if it's is new to you though - might just hook you all day. Buy the DVDs, they're going really cheap everywhere.
Oh yeah, if you do get the DVDs - watch the pilot first! It's really the extended first episode and you'd be missing out without it. The video above is the start of said pilot.
All the episodes, from the start on YouTube are HERE
Hey folks. I'm back from the States now and want to go to bed. I've a whole bunch of stuff to get round to, pictures to post and people to email / message - I'll get round to it all soon. Promise. Also, I'm going to try to post here very regularly from now on. I started to get a bit precious about what I posted for a while but I don't think that's the best way to go about things really. Lots of stuff soon.
This is a picture of a 'hip hop ghost' for some thread on some messageboard. I don't know much about hip-hop but that's a shoe from some Grandmaster Flash cover and he's singing Rapture by Blondie. Night x
Go there for up-to-date drawings, news and other rubbish.
Any posts that are still here will eventually make it over to my current blog. I'm just slow. Most of the important stuff is already over there (and gone from here).
I do work as an illustrator and graphic designer. For my portfolio, visit: