Tuesday, May 25

Ira Glass: motivation

I imagine a fair amount of you are familiar with This American Life, the radio show / podcast from Chicago Public Radio. If not, you have to give it a listen because your socks will be blown right off. It's a collection of strange, funny, fascinating and moving little stories put together by the host Ira Glass and a team of journalists (including the likes of Jon Ronson). I could hype it up all day but that's not really the point of this post. Honestly, just visit the archive and click on a title that takes your fancy. You'll love it, I promise.

Anyway, I've been listening to T.A.L. a lot recently and I took the notion to look up some related stuff on YouTube. I discovered the above video on my travels and was compelled to post it here. Taken from a 4 part little series on storytelling, Ira Glass gives out some advice to beginner film-makers (although it could apply to any creative endeavour) concerning how the work you make may not quite match up to your expectations.

As someone who constantly wrestles with my own opinions of my output, I found this to be one of the most encouraging and inspiring little videos I've seen in ages. Hopefully it'll maybe give other folk a wee bit of motivation too. Trying is good. Always forwards, never backwards compadres!

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