Thursday, May 28

Don't Step on a Crack...

Don't step on a crack or you'll break your mother's back

This is my last minute entry for Illustration Friday. The topic this week is 'cracked'. I also like 'don't step on a crack or the wolves will get you' - thanks Alex.


A few bird doodles that came around because I wanted a drawing to accompany a link to my Twitter feed. I didn't get very far before I began considering giving my abandoned Owls & Mice comic another try. We'll see. One idea feeds another I guess.

You can follow me on Twitter here.

Friday, May 22

50 Rice Krispies

50 Rice Krispies
ink on paper
from "How Children Learn" at The Changing Room, 2009
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Thursday, May 21

I.F. Contagious

The Illustration Friday topic this week is 'contagious'. One of my favourite things about zombies is that after they're transformed, they're stuck wearing regular clothes.

Wednesday, May 20


A couple of pages from my sketchbook.

Wednesday, May 13

Death Compass

Death Compass
ink on paper
from "How Children Learn" at The Changing Room, 2009
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Tuesday, May 12

Around 2236 Pieces of Ticker Tape

This is my entry for Illustration Friday this week. The topic is parade. I'm not sure how it comes across in the scan, but it's a pretty wee one; the pattern is about 6cm x 10cm. The text is my own handwriting font.

Friday, May 8

Skate 2 Geekout

Watch more videos of Skate 2

For the past while, I've been playing a lot of Skate 2 on the Xbox 360. Once I started diddling around with the replay options, I realised I could probably cobble together a little compilation clip of my sick moves in iMovie. The above is my first attempt. It's a little sloppy, but I'll take it as my (computer generated) skate video editing debut.

I should admit that a lot of those tricks took hours of my life away that would be better spent elsewhere. I did it all for the approval of other Skate geeks on the awesome Goonskate site. The idea of putting together a better one looms large in my head but how many more times can I attempt to jump a little computer man over a pretend pavement?

Thursday, May 7

25 Corn Flakes

25 Corn Flakes
ink on paper
from "How Children Learn" at The Changing Room, 2009
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Tuesday, May 5

Picture Dump 01

Like a lot of people, I have a folder on my computer overflowing with miscellaneous saved pictures. It usually just sits there getting bigger and bigger, completely ignored in its purpose of providing inspiration.

I've decided to make a point of browsing though this jumbled mess more often. When I do, I'll pick out 9 pictures that catch my eye and I'll post them here on my site. Perhaps they'll provide me with the inspiration I'm after or perhaps they'll just be saved in a dusty folder by someone else. Click the images for larger versions.