Friday, December 14

Laurel & Hardy's Death Rattles

Stan Laurel's Death Rattle
ink & acrylic on card
from "Tenterhooks" at Analogue, 2007

Oliver Hardy's Death Rattle
ink & acrylic on card
from "Tenterhooks" at Analogue, 2007

Thursday, December 13

I Lost My Bloomin' Sketchbook

Like a chump, I managed to lose my sketchbook the other night. It's a plain black A5 Moleskine which is about half full. Luckily, nothing important has been lost but there are a few bits and pieces in there I'll miss as well as a some postcards and stuff that people have given me that I liked to carry around.

Chances are it's been left it on a table or fell out my bag somewhere around the Meadowpark / Beat area near Stirling University. I definitely had it with me in Nicky-Tams and Varsity too incase that's where it vanished. I'm sure there is an alright reward stated on the first page, so if it were found, I reckon I'd be contacted. That probably means it's sat in a puddle somewhere, which is almost preferable to some stranger discovering the crap I write in it. If someone out there has found it, and has found this site, and are chuckling it up right now, all jolly, let me tell you that you're a stinker (unless you give it back then you're a lovely angel).

Thursday, December 6

Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Breaks Scissors
ink & acrylic on card
from "Tenterhooks" at Analogue, 2007

Paper Covers Rock
ink & acrylic on card
from "Tenterhooks" at Analogue, 2007

Scissors Cut Paper
ink & acrylic on card
from "Tenterhooks" at Analogue, 2007